
Showing posts from May, 2022

Let's start over?

Phew! It’s been a long time and to be very honest, I don’t think I’ll be able to write good book reviews now. Writing book reviews is a herculean task and it becomes tougher when one decides to take a gap. Mine was a long gap indeed and I’m trying my best to come back on track.  Have I ever introduced myself though? Goddamn! I gotta be kidding. I was about to write everything that hindered my writing but okay nevermind, I’ll save that story for later.  I’m Sakshi Sharma. I am about to graduate in a few days and my future plans are still unknown. What a shame? Truly. Writing is like a healing mechanism for me. I write when I feel low, I write when I am happy, basically I’m a kinda person who’ll write no matter what and most of it doesn’t even go out of my secret writing place. Music is another healing mechanism and I don’t care, my taste in music has to be the best. Consider yourself lucky if I’ve ever let you see my playlist. I am so particular about my playlist that I won’t let anybod